## Usage [Read here.](https://github.com/lcpz/lain/wiki/Widgets#usage) ### Description Shows file systems informations. If a partition is given in input, a notification will be displayed when it is almost full. ```lua local mypartition = lain.widget.fs() ``` ## Input table Variable | Meaning | Type | Default --- | --- | --- | --- `timeout` | Refresh timeout (in seconds) | integer | 600 `partition` | (Optional) Partition to watch: a notification will be displayed when full | string | `nil` `threshold` | Percentage threshold at which the notification is triggered | integer | 99 `notification_preset` | Notification preset | table | See [default `notification_preset`](https://github.com/lcpz/lain/wiki/fs#default-notification_preset) `followtag` | Display the notification on currently focused screen | boolean | false `showpopup` | Display popups with mouse hovering | string, possible values: "on", "off" | "on" `settings` | User settings | function | empty function `settings` can use the table `fs_now`, which contains a string entry for each file system path available. For instance, root infos are located in the variable `fs_now["/"]`. Every entry in this table have the following variables: Variable | Meaning | Type --- | --- | --- `units` | (multiple of) units used | string ("Kb", "Mb", "Gb", and so on) `percentage` | the used percentage | integer `size` | size in `units` of the given fs | float `used` | amount of space used in the given fs, expressed in `units` | float `free` | amount of free space in the given fs, expressed in `units` | float Usage example: ```lua -- shows used (percentage) and remaining space in home partition local fsroothome = lain.widget.fs({ settings = function() widget:set_text("/home: " .. fs_now["/home"].percentage .. "% (" .. fs_now["/home"].free .. " " .. fs_now["/home"].units .. " left)") end }) -- output example: "/home: 37% (239.4 Gb left)" ``` With multiple screens, the default behaviour is to show a visual notification pop-up window on the first screen. By setting `followtag` to `true` it will be shown on the currently focused tag screen. ### Default `notification_preset` ```lua notification_preset = { font = "Monospace 10", fg = "#FFFFFF", bg = "#000000" } ``` ## Output table Variable | Meaning | Type --- | --- | --- `widget` | The widget | `wibox.widget.textbox` `show` | The notification | function You can display the notification with a key binding like this: ```lua awful.key({ altkey }, "h", function () mypartition.show(seconds, scr) end), ``` where ``altkey = "Mod1"`` and ``show`` arguments, both optionals, are: * `seconds`, notification time in seconds * `scr`, screen which to display the notification in ## Note Naughty notifications require `notification_preset.font` to be **monospaced**, in order to correctly display the output.