## Usage [Read here.](https://github.com/lcpz/lain/wiki/Widgets#usage) ### Description Creates a calendar notification that can be attached to widgets. This is a simpler but [faster](https://github.com/awesomeWM/awesome/issues/1861) alternative to [`awful.widget.calendar_popup`](https://awesomewm.org/doc/api/classes/awful.widget.calendar_popup.html), which emulates UNIX's `cal`. ```lua local mycal = lain.widget.cal() ``` ## Input table Variable | Meaning | Type | Default --- | --- | --- | --- `attach_to` | List of widgets | table | empty table `week_start` | First day of the week | integer | 2 (Monday) `three` | Display three months spanning the date | boolean | false `followtag` | Display the notification on currently focused screen | boolean | false `week_number` | Display the week number | string ("none", "left" or "right") | "none" `week_number_format` | Week number format | string | `"%3d \| "` for "left", `"\| %-3d"` for "right" `icons` | Path to calendar icons | string | [icons/cal/white/](https://github.com/lcpz/lain/tree/master/icons/cal/white) `notification_preset` | Notification preset | table | See [default `notification_preset`](https://github.com/lcpz/lain/wiki/calendar#default-notification_preset) Set `attach_to` as the list of widgets to which you want to attach the calendar, like this: ```lua local mycal = lain.widget.cal { attach_to = { mywidget1, mywidget2, ... }, -- [...] } ``` For every widget in `attach_to`: - Left click / scroll down: switch to previous month. - Middle click show current month. - Right click / scroll up: switch to next month. With multiple screens, the default behaviour is to show a visual notification pop-up window on the first screen. By setting `followtag` to `true` it will be shown on the currently focused tag screen. ### Default `notification_preset` ```lua notification_preset = { font = "Monospace 10", fg = "#FFFFFF", bg = "#000000" } ``` ## Output table Variable | Meaning | Type --- | --- | --- `attach` | Attach the calendar to an input widget | function `show` | Show calendar | function `hide` | Hide calendar | function `attach` takes as argument any widget you want to attach the calendar to, while `show` takes as optional argument an integer to indicate the seconds to timeout. ## Keybinding ```lua awful.key({ altkey }, "c", function () mycal.show(7) end) ``` Where `altkey = "Mod1"`. ## Notes * Naughty notifications require `notification_preset.font` to be **monospaced**, in order to correctly display the output. * If you want to [disable notification icon](https://github.com/lcpz/lain/pull/351), set `icons = ""` in the input table. * If you want to localise the calendar, put `os.setlocale(os.getenv("LANG"))` in your `rc.lua`. * If you want to get notifications [only with mouse clicks](https://github.com/lcpz/lain/issues/320) on a given widget, use this code: ```lua yourwidget:disconnect_signal("mouse::enter", mycal.hover_on) ```