#!/bin/sh # run this function for files that go directily into the home directory gohome() { ln -sfv $PWD/$1 ~/ } # run this function for files that go into the .config file goconfig() { ln -sfv $PWD/$1 ~/.config/ } # run this function for files that go into the .local/bin file gobin() { ln -sfv $PWD/$1 ~/.local/bin/ } echo "This script will make symbolic links to all the dotfiles." echo "Be sure to be cd-ed in the directory where the dotfiles repo resides (where this script is located ofc)\n" echo "Type \"y\" if you do so we can continue" read choice if [ "$choice" = "y" ] then echo "Now, are what are you installing this on?" echo "1 - desktop" echo "2 - laptop" read device while : do case $device in 1) echo "installing desktop specific bits" # just plop desktop configs here idk ;; 2) echo "installing laptop specific bits" # or plop lapop configs here break ;; *) echo "wot?" ;; esac done gohome .zshrc gohome .zprofile gohome .doom.d gohome .vim goconfig dunst goconfig foot goconfig sway goconfig swaylock goconfig i3status-rust goconfig nvim goconfig ncmpcpp goconfig lf gobin bin/dmenukaomoji gobin bin/toggle gobin bin/startsway fi