#!/usr/bin/env bash ## Author : Aditya Shakya ## Mail : adi1090x@gmail.com ## Github : @adi1090x ## Twitter : @adi1090x # Available Styles # >> Created and tested on : rofi 1.6.0-1 # # style_1 style_2 style_3 style_4 style_5 style_6 # style_7 style_8 style_9 style_10 style_11 style_12 theme="style_4" dir="$HOME/.config/rofi/launchers/colorful" # dark ALPHA="#00000000" BG="#000000ff" FG="#FFFFFFff" SELECT="#101010ff" # light #ALPHA="#00000000" #BG="#FFFFFFff" #FG="#000000ff" #SELECT="#f3f3f3ff" # accent colors COLORS=('#EC7875' '#61C766' '#FDD835' '#42A5F5' '#BA68C8' '#4DD0E1' '#00B19F' \ '#FBC02D' '#E57C46' '#AC8476' '#6D8895' '#EC407A' '#B9C244' '#6C77BB') ACCENT="${COLORS[$(( $RANDOM % 14 ))]}ff" # overwrite colors file cat > $dir/colors.rasi <<- EOF /* colors */ * { al: $ALPHA; bg: $BG; se: $SELECT; fg: $FG; ac: $ACCENT; } EOF # comment these lines to disable random style # themes=($(ls -p --hide="launcher.sh" --hide="colors.rasi" $dir)) # theme="${themes[$(( $RANDOM % 12 ))]}" rofi -no-lazy-grab -show drun -modi drun -theme $dir/"$theme"