## Usage [Read here.](https://github.com/lcpz/lain/wiki/Widgets#usage) ### Description Shows MPD status. ```lua local mympd = lain.widget.mpd() ``` Now playing songs are notified like this: +--------------------------------------------------------+ | +-------+ | | |/^\_/^\| Now playing | | |\ O O /| Cannibal Corpse (Hammer Smashed Face) - 1993 | | | '.o.' | Hammer Smashed Face (Radio Disney Version) | | +-------+ | +--------------------------------------------------------+ **Note:** if MPD is turned off or not set correctly, the widget will constantly display "N/A" values. ## Input table Variable | Meaning | Type | Default --- | --- | --- | --- `timeout` | Refresh timeout (in seconds) | integer | 2 `password` | MPD password | string | "" `host` | MPD server | string | "" `port` | MPD port | string | "6600" `music_dir` | Music directory | string | "~/Music" `cover_size` | Album art notification size (both height and width) | integer | 100 `cover_pattern` | Pattern for the album art file | string | `*.(jpg\|jpeg\|png\|gif)$` `default_art` | Default art | string | `nil` `notify` | Show notification popups | string | "on" `followtag` | Notification behaviour | boolean | false `settings` | User settings | function | empty function \* In Lua, "\\\\" means "\" escaped. Default `cover_pattern` definition will made the widget set the first jpg, jpeg, png or gif file found in the directory as the album art. Pay attention to case sensitivity when defining `music_dir`. `settings` can use `mpd_now` table, which contains the following values: (**note:** the first four are boolean [flags](https://github.com/lcpz/lain/pull/205), the remaining are all strings) - random_mode - single_mode - repeat_mode - consume_mode - pls_pos (playlist position) - pls_len (playlist length) - state (possible values: "play", "pause", "stop") - file - artist - title - name - album - track - genre - date - [time](https://github.com/lcpz/lain/pull/90) (length of current song, in seconds) - [elapsed](https://github.com/lcpz/lain/pull/90) (elapsed time of current song, in seconds) and can modify `mpd_notification_preset` table, which will be the preset for the naughty notifications. Check [here](https://awesomewm.org/doc/api/libraries/naughty.html#notify) for the list of variables it can contain. Default definition: ```lua mpd_notification_preset = { title = "Now playing", timeout = 6, text = string.format("%s (%s) - %s\n%s", mpd_now.artist, mpd_now.album, mpd_now.date, mpd_now.title) } ``` With multiple screens, the default behaviour is to show a visual notification pop-up window on the first screen. By setting `followtag` to `true` it will be shown on the currently focused tag screen. ## Output table Variable | Meaning | Type --- | --- | --- `widget` | The textbox | `wibox.widget.textbox` `update` | Update `widget` | function `timer` | The widget timer | [`gears.timer`](https://awesomewm.org/doc/api/classes/gears.timer.html) The `update` function can be used to refresh the widget before `timeout` expires. You can use `timer` to start/stop the widget as you like. ## Keybindings You can control the widget with keybindings like these: ```lua -- MPD control awful.key({ altkey, "Control" }, "Up", function () awful.spawn.with_shell("mpc toggle || ncmpc toggle || pms toggle") mympd.update() end), awful.key({ altkey, "Control" }, "Down", function () awful.spawn.with_shell("mpc stop || ncmpc stop || pms stop") mympd.update() end), awful.key({ altkey, "Control" }, "Left", function () awful.spawn.with_shell("mpc prev || ncmpc prev || pms prev") mympd.update() end), awful.key({ altkey, "Control" }, "Right", function () awful.spawn.with_shell("mpc next || ncmpc next || pms next") mympd.update() end), ``` where `altkey = "Mod1"`. If you don't use the widget for long periods and wish to spare CPU, you can toggle it with a keybinding like this: ```lua -- disable MPD widget awful.key({ altkey }, "0", function () local common = { text = "MPD widget ", position = "top_middle", timeout = 2 } if mympd.timer.started then mympd.timer:stop() common.text = common.text .. markup.bold("OFF") else mympd.timer:start() common.text = common.text .. markup.bold("ON") end naughty.notify(common) end), ``` ## Notes ### Cover not showing in notifications If the cover file is existent but not showed in notifications, [try](https://github.com/lcpz/lain/issues/393) setting `music_dir` to a symlink of your music folder, rather than to a physical path. This can be easily done through ```shell ln -s /the/real_path_to_your_music/ /home/username/Music ``` However, this only applies if the music is stored outside your user-specific folder, for instance in an external partition. ### Always use `set_markup` In `settings`, if you use `widget:set_text`, [it will ignore Pango markup](https://github.com/lcpz/lain/issues/258), so be sure to always use `widget:set_markup`. ### Volume fade in toggling MPD If you want a fade in/out in toggling MPD, you can put [this script](https://gist.github.com/lcpz/76e315bc27c6cdf7edd5021964b88df1) in your local `bin` directory: ```shell $ curl https://gist.githubusercontent.com/lcpz/76e315bc27c6cdf7edd5021964b88df1/raw/97f7ba586418a4e07637cfbc91d2974278dfa623/mpd-fade -o ~/bin/mpc-fade $ chmod +x ~/bin/mpc-fade ``` Set your 1% decrease/increase commands [here](https://gist.github.com/lcpz/76e315bc27c6cdf7edd5021964b88df1#file-mpd-fade-L8-L9), then use a keybinding like this: ```lua -- MPD toggle with volume fading awful.key({ "Shift" }, "Pause", function() awful.spawn.easy_async("mpc-fade 20 4", -- mpc-fade function(stdout, stderr, reason, exit_code) mympd.update() end) end), ```