This commit is contained in:
Cheri 2020-08-01 17:46:05 +03:00 committed by vibikim
commit 8ee05a802b
14 changed files with 55679 additions and 10 deletions

View file

@ -5,21 +5,22 @@ It's mostly defaults or other's configs slightly modified to my taste.
What I use right now (stuff I have to install on a fresh linux install): What I use right now (stuff I have to install on a fresh linux install):
_Some are normie programs, please don't judge_ * bspwm
* sxhkd
* awesomewm * polybar
* kitty (but I also have a termite config in there) * dunst
* spacefm * kitty (will do st in the future)
* rofi * pcmanfm and lf
* dmenu * rofi AND dmenu (weird i know)
* vim * vim
* copyq * copyq
* flameshot * flameshot
* picom/compton * picom/compton
* xfce4-power-manager * xfce4-power-manager
* nm-applet * nm-applet
* polkit-gnome * polkit-gnome -- TODO migrate to the lxde polkit
* firefox * firefox
* rhythmbox * rhythmbox -- TODO migrate to a MPD based music player
* lxde-apperance (optional) * lxde-apperance (optional)
* NerdFonts * NerdFonts
* **DASH set as /bin/sh** (Arch Linux)

View file

@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ mark-ovredir-focused = true;
detect-rounded-corners = true; detect-rounded-corners = true;
detect-client-opacity = true; detect-client-opacity = true;
refresh-rate = 0; refresh-rate = 0;
backend = "xrender"; backend = "glx";
glx-no-stencil = true; glx-no-stencil = true;
glx-no-rebind-pixmap = true; glx-no-rebind-pixmap = true;
vsync = false; vsync = false;

polybar/config.default Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,385 @@
; ██████╗ ██████╗ ██╗ ██╗ ██╗██████╗ █████╗ ██████╗
; ██╔══██╗██╔═══██╗██║ ╚██╗ ██╔╝██╔══██╗██╔══██╗██╔══██╗
; ██████╔╝██║ ██║██║ ╚████╔╝ ██████╔╝███████║██████╔╝
; ██╔═══╝ ██║ ██║██║ ╚██╔╝ ██╔══██╗██╔══██║██╔══██╗
; ██║ ╚██████╔╝███████╗██║ ██████╔╝██║ ██║██║ ██║
; ╚═╝ ╚═════╝ ╚══════╝╚═╝ ╚═════╝ ╚═╝ ╚═╝╚═╝ ╚═╝
; To learn more about how to configure Polybar
; go to
; The README contains a lot of information
;background = ${xrdb:color0:#222}
background = #222
background-alt = #444
;foreground = ${xrdb:color7:#222}
foreground = #dfdfdf
foreground-alt = #555
primary = #ffb52a
secondary = #e60053
alert = #bd2c40
;monitor = ${env:MONITOR:HDMI-1}
width = 100%
height = 27
;offset-x = 1%
;offset-y = 1%
radius = 6.0
fixed-center = false
background = ${colors.background}
foreground = ${colors.foreground}
line-size = 3
line-color = #f00
border-size = 4
border-color = #00000000
padding-left = 0
padding-right = 2
module-margin-left = 1
module-margin-right = 2
font-0 = fixed:pixelsize=10;1
font-1 = unifont:fontformat=truetype:size=8:antialias=false;0
font-2 = siji:pixelsize=10;1
modules-left = bspwm
;modules-center = mpd
modules-right = pulseaudio date powermenu
tray-position = right
tray-padding = 2
;tray-background = #0063ff
;wm-restack = bspwm
;wm-restack = i3
;override-redirect = true
;scroll-up = bspwm-desknext
;scroll-down = bspwm-deskprev
;scroll-up = i3wm-wsnext
;scroll-down = i3wm-wsprev
cursor-click = pointer
cursor-scroll = ns-resize
type = internal/xwindow
label = %title:0:30:...%
type = internal/xkeyboard
blacklist-0 = num lock
format-prefix = " "
format-prefix-foreground = ${colors.foreground-alt}
format-prefix-underline = ${colors.secondary}
label-layout = %layout%
label-layout-underline = ${colors.secondary}
label-indicator-padding = 2
label-indicator-margin = 1
label-indicator-background = ${colors.secondary}
label-indicator-underline = ${colors.secondary}
type = internal/fs
interval = 25
mount-0 = /
label-mounted = %{F#0a81f5}%mountpoint%%{F-}: %percentage_used%%
label-unmounted = %mountpoint% not mounted
label-unmounted-foreground = ${colors.foreground-alt}
type = internal/bspwm
label-focused = %index%
label-focused-background = ${colors.background-alt}
label-focused-underline= ${colors.primary}
label-focused-padding = 2
label-occupied = %index%
label-occupied-padding = 2
label-urgent = %index%!
label-urgent-background = ${colors.alert}
label-urgent-padding = 2
label-empty = %index%
label-empty-foreground = ${colors.foreground-alt}
label-empty-padding = 2
; Separator in between workspaces
; label-separator = |
type = internal/mpd
format-online = <label-song> <icon-prev> <icon-stop> <toggle> <icon-next>
icon-prev = 
icon-stop = 
icon-play = 
icon-pause = 
icon-next = 
label-song-maxlen = 25
label-song-ellipsis = true
type = internal/xbacklight
format = <label> <bar>
label = BL
bar-width = 10
bar-indicator = |
bar-indicator-foreground = #fff
bar-indicator-font = 2
bar-fill = ─
bar-fill-font = 2
bar-fill-foreground = #9f78e1
bar-empty = ─
bar-empty-font = 2
bar-empty-foreground = ${colors.foreground-alt}
inherit = module/xbacklight
type = internal/backlight
card = intel_backlight
type = internal/cpu
interval = 2
format-prefix = " "
format-prefix-foreground = ${colors.foreground-alt}
format-underline = #f90000
label = %percentage:2%%
type = internal/memory
interval = 2
format-prefix = " "
format-prefix-foreground = ${colors.foreground-alt}
format-underline = #4bffdc
label = %percentage_used%%
type = internal/network
interface = net1
interval = 3.0
format-connected = <ramp-signal> <label-connected>
format-connected-underline = #9f78e1
label-connected = %essid%
format-disconnected =
;format-disconnected = <label-disconnected>
;format-disconnected-underline = ${self.format-connected-underline}
;label-disconnected = %ifname% disconnected
;label-disconnected-foreground = ${colors.foreground-alt}
ramp-signal-0 = 
ramp-signal-1 = 
ramp-signal-2 = 
ramp-signal-3 = 
ramp-signal-4 = 
ramp-signal-foreground = ${colors.foreground-alt}
type = internal/network
interface = enp1s0
interval = 3.0
format-connected-underline = #55aa55
format-connected-prefix = " "
format-connected-prefix-foreground = ${colors.foreground-alt}
label-connected = %local_ip%
format-disconnected =
;format-disconnected = <label-disconnected>
;format-disconnected-underline = ${self.format-connected-underline}
;label-disconnected = %ifname% disconnected
;label-disconnected-foreground = ${colors.foreground-alt}
type = internal/date
interval = 5
date =
date-alt = " %Y-%m-%d"
time = %H:%M
time-alt = %H:%M:%S
format-prefix = 
format-prefix-foreground = ${colors.foreground-alt}
format-underline = #0a6cf5
label = %date% %time%
type = internal/pulseaudio
format-volume = <label-volume> <bar-volume>
label-volume = VOL %percentage%%
label-volume-foreground = ${root.foreground}
label-muted = 🔇 muted
label-muted-foreground = #666
bar-volume-width = 10
bar-volume-foreground-0 = #55aa55
bar-volume-foreground-1 = #55aa55
bar-volume-foreground-2 = #55aa55
bar-volume-foreground-3 = #55aa55
bar-volume-foreground-4 = #55aa55
bar-volume-foreground-5 = #f5a70a
bar-volume-foreground-6 = #ff5555
bar-volume-gradient = false
bar-volume-indicator = |
bar-volume-indicator-font = 2
bar-volume-fill = ─
bar-volume-fill-font = 2
bar-volume-empty = ─
bar-volume-empty-font = 2
bar-volume-empty-foreground = ${colors.foreground-alt}
type = internal/alsa
format-volume = <label-volume> <bar-volume>
label-volume = VOL
label-volume-foreground = ${root.foreground}
format-muted-prefix = " "
format-muted-foreground = ${colors.foreground-alt}
label-muted = sound muted
bar-volume-width = 10
bar-volume-foreground-0 = #55aa55
bar-volume-foreground-1 = #55aa55
bar-volume-foreground-2 = #55aa55
bar-volume-foreground-3 = #55aa55
bar-volume-foreground-4 = #55aa55
bar-volume-foreground-5 = #f5a70a
bar-volume-foreground-6 = #ff5555
bar-volume-gradient = false
bar-volume-indicator = |
bar-volume-indicator-font = 2
bar-volume-fill = ─
bar-volume-fill-font = 2
bar-volume-empty = ─
bar-volume-empty-font = 2
bar-volume-empty-foreground = ${colors.foreground-alt}
type = internal/battery
battery = BAT0
adapter = ADP1
full-at = 98
format-charging = <animation-charging> <label-charging>
format-charging-underline = #ffb52a
format-discharging = <animation-discharging> <label-discharging>
format-discharging-underline = ${self.format-charging-underline}
format-full-prefix = " "
format-full-prefix-foreground = ${colors.foreground-alt}
format-full-underline = ${self.format-charging-underline}
ramp-capacity-0 = 
ramp-capacity-1 = 
ramp-capacity-2 = 
ramp-capacity-foreground = ${colors.foreground-alt}
animation-charging-0 = 
animation-charging-1 = 
animation-charging-2 = 
animation-charging-foreground = ${colors.foreground-alt}
animation-charging-framerate = 750
animation-discharging-0 = 
animation-discharging-1 = 
animation-discharging-2 = 
animation-discharging-foreground = ${colors.foreground-alt}
animation-discharging-framerate = 750
type = internal/temperature
thermal-zone = 0
warn-temperature = 60
format = <ramp> <label>
format-underline = #f50a4d
format-warn = <ramp> <label-warn>
format-warn-underline = ${self.format-underline}
label = %temperature-c%
label-warn = %temperature-c%
label-warn-foreground = ${colors.secondary}
ramp-0 = 
ramp-1 = 
ramp-2 = 
ramp-foreground = ${colors.foreground-alt}
type = custom/menu
expand-right = true
format-spacing = 1
label-open = 
label-open-foreground = ${colors.secondary}
label-close =  cancel
label-close-foreground = ${colors.secondary}
label-separator = |
label-separator-foreground = ${colors.foreground-alt}
menu-0-0 = reboot
menu-0-0-exec = menu-open-1
menu-0-1 = power off
menu-0-1-exec = menu-open-2
menu-1-0 = cancel
menu-1-0-exec = menu-open-0
menu-1-1 = reboot
menu-1-1-exec = sudo reboot
menu-2-0 = power off
menu-2-0-exec = sudo poweroff
menu-2-1 = cancel
menu-2-1-exec = menu-open-0
screenchange-reload = true
;compositing-background = xor
;compositing-background = screen
;compositing-foreground = source
;compositing-border = over
;pseudo-transparency = false
margin-top = 5
margin-bottom = 5
; vim:ft=dosini

polybar/config.ini Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,607 @@
;; _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_
;; ____ __ __
;; / __ \____ / /_ __/ /_ ____ ______
;; / /_/ / __ \/ / / / / __ \/ __ `/ ___/
;; / ____/ /_/ / / /_/ / /_/ / /_/ / /
;; /_/ \____/_/\__, /_.___/\__,_/_/
;; /____/
;; Created By Aditya Shakya @adi1090x
;; _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_
;; Global WM Settings
; Adjust the _NET_WM_STRUT_PARTIAL top value
; Used for top aligned bars
margin-bottom = 0
; Adjust the _NET_WM_STRUT_PARTIAL bottom value
; Used for bottom aligned bars
margin-top = 0
;; _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_
;; Bar Settings
; Use either of the following command to list available outputs:
; If unspecified, the application will pick the first one it finds.
; $ polybar -m | cut -d ':' -f 1
; $ xrandr -q | grep " connected" | cut -d ' ' -f1
monitor =
; Use the specified monitor as a fallback if the main one is not found.
monitor-fallback =
; Require the monitor to be in connected state
; XRandR sometimes reports my monitor as being disconnected (when in use)
monitor-strict = false
; Tell the Window Manager not to configure the window.
; Use this to detach the bar if your WM is locking its size/position.
override-redirect = false
; Put the bar at the bottom of the screen
bottom = true
; Prefer fixed center position for the `modules-center` block
; When false, the center position will be based on the size of the other blocks.
fixed-center = true
; Dimension defined as pixel value (e.g. 35) or percentage (e.g. 50%),
; the percentage can optionally be extended with a pixel offset like so:
; 50%:-10, this will result in a width or height of 50% minus 10 pixels
width = 99%
height = 20
; Offset defined as pixel value (e.g. 35) or percentage (e.g. 50%)
; the percentage can optionally be extended with a pixel offset like so:
; 50%:-10, this will result in an offset in the x or y direction
; of 50% minus 10 pixels
offset-x = 0.5%
offset-y = 1%
; Background ARGB color (e.g. #f00, #ff992a, #ddff1023)
background = ${color.alpha}
; Foreground ARGB color (e.g. #f00, #ff992a, #ddff1023)
foreground = ${color.fg}
; Background gradient (vertical steps)
; background-[0-9]+ = #aarrggbb
;;background-0 =
; Value used for drawing rounded corners
; Note: This shouldn't be used together with border-size because the border
; doesn't get rounded
; Individual top/bottom values can be defined using:
; radius-{top,bottom}
radius-top = 0.0
radius-bottom = 0.0
; Under-/overline pixel size and argb color
; Individual values can be defined using:
; {overline,underline}-size
; {overline,underline}-color
line-size = 2
line-color = ${color.shade5}
; Values applied to all borders
; Individual side values can be defined using:
; border-{left,top,right,bottom}-size
; border-{left,top,right,bottom}-color
; The top and bottom borders are added to the bar height, so the effective
; window height is:
; height + border-top-size + border-bottom-size
; Meanwhile the effective window width is defined entirely by the width key and
; the border is placed withing this area. So you effectively only have the
; following horizontal space on the bar:
; width - border-right-size - border-left-size
border-top-size = 0
border-color = ${color.shade5}
; Number of spaces to add at the beginning/end of the bar
; Individual side values can be defined using:
; padding-{left,right}
padding = 0
; Number of spaces to add before/after each module
; Individual side values can be defined using:
; module-margin-{left,right}
module-margin-left = 0
module-margin-right = 0
; Fonts are defined using <font-name>;<vertical-offset>
; Font names are specified using a fontconfig pattern.
; font-0 = NotoSans-Regular:size=8;2
; font-1 = MaterialIcons:size=10
; font-2 = Termsynu:size=8;-1
; font-3 = FontAwesome:size=10
; See the Fonts wiki page for more details
font-0 = "scientifica:size=8;2"
font-1 = "Siji:size=8;2"
; Modules are added to one of the available blocks
; modules-left = cpu ram
; modules-center = xwindow xbacklight
; modules-right = ipc clock
;; Available modules
;alsa backlight battery
;bspwm cpu date
;filesystem github i3
;subscriber demo memory
;menu-apps mpd wired-network
;wireless-network network pulseaudio
;name_you_want temperature my-text-label
;backlight keyboard title workspaces
;; User modules
;checknetwork updates window_switch launcher powermenu sysmenu menu
;; Bars
;cpu_bar memory_bar filesystem_bar mpd_bar
;volume brightness battery_bar
modules-left = workspaces sep
modules-center =
modules-right = sep memory cpu alsa battery network date
; The separator will be inserted between the output of each module
separator =
; This value is used to add extra spacing between elements
; @deprecated: This parameter will be removed in an upcoming version
spacing = 0
; Opacity value between 0.0 and 1.0 used on fade in/out
dim-value = 1.0
; Value to be used to set the WM_NAME atom
; If the value is empty or undefined, the atom value
; will be created from the following template: polybar-[BAR]_[MONITOR]
; NOTE: The placeholders are not available for custom values
wm-name = bspwm
; Locale used to localize various module data (e.g. date)
; Expects a valid libc locale, for example: sv_SE.UTF-8
locale = ro_RO.UTF-8
; Position of the system tray window
; If empty or undefined, tray support will be disabled
; NOTE: A center aligned tray will cover center aligned modules
; Available positions:
; left
; center
; right
; none
tray-position = right
; If true, the bar will not shift its
; contents when the tray changes
tray-detached = false
; Tray icon max size
tray-maxsize = 16
; DEPRECATED! Since 3.3.0 the tray always uses pseudo-transparency
; Enable pseudo transparency
; Will automatically be enabled if a fully transparent
; background color is defined using `tray-background`
tray-transparent = false
; Background color for the tray container
; ARGB color (e.g. #f00, #ff992a, #ddff1023)
; By default the tray container will use the bar
; background color.
tray-background = ${root.background}
; Tray offset defined as pixel value (e.g. 35) or percentage (e.g. 50%)
tray-offset-x = 0
tray-offset-y = 0
; Pad the sides of each tray icon
tray-padding = 0
; Scale factor for tray clients
tray-scale = 1.0
; Restack the bar window and put it above the
; selected window manager's root
; Fixes the issue where the bar is being drawn
; on top of fullscreen window's
; Currently supported WM's:
; bspwm
; i3 (requires: `override-redirect = true`)
; wm-restack =
; Set a DPI values used when rendering text
; This only affects scalable fonts
; dpi =
; Enable support for inter-process messaging
; See the Messaging wiki page for more details.
enable-ipc = true
; Fallback click handlers that will be called if
; there's no matching module handler found.
click-left =
click-middle =
click-right =
scroll-up =
scroll-down =
double-click-left =
double-click-middle =
double-click-right =
; Requires polybar to be built with xcursor support (xcb-util-cursor)
; Possible values are:
; - default : The default pointer as before, can also be an empty string (default)
; - pointer : Typically in the form of a hand
; - ns-resize : Up and down arrows, can be used to indicate scrolling
cursor-click =
cursor-scroll =
;; WM Workspace Specific
; bspwm
;;scroll-up = bspwm-desknext
;;scroll-down = bspwm-deskprev
;;scroll-up = bspc desktop -f prev.local
;;scroll-down = bspc desktop -f next.local
;;scroll-up = i3wm-wsnext
;;scroll-down = i3wm-wsprev
;;scroll-up = i3-msg workspace next_on_output
;;scroll-down = i3-msg workspace prev_on_output
;; _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_
;; Application Settings
; The throttle settings lets the eventloop swallow up til X events
; if they happen within Y millisecond after first event was received.
; This is done to prevent flood of update event.
; For example if 5 modules emit an update event at the same time, we really
; just care about the last one. But if we wait too long for events to swallow
; the bar would appear sluggish so we continue if timeout
; expires or limit is reached.
throttle-output = 5
throttle-output-for = 10
; Time in milliseconds that the input handler will wait between processing events
throttle-input-for = 30
; Reload upon receiving XCB_RANDR_SCREEN_CHANGE_NOTIFY events
screenchange-reload = false
; Compositing operators
; @see:
compositing-background = source
compositing-foreground = over
compositing-overline = over
compositing-underline = over
compositing-border = over
; Define fallback values used by all module formats
format-foreground =
format-background =
format-underline =
format-overline =
format-spacing =
format-padding =
format-margin =
format-offset =
; Enables pseudo-transparency for the bar
; If set to true the bar can be transparent without a compositor.
pseudo-transparency = false
;; _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_
;; ______ __
;; / ____/___ / /___ __________
;; / / / __ \/ / __ \/ ___/ ___/
;; / /___/ /_/ / / /_/ / / (__ )
;; \____/\____/_/\____/_/ /____/
;; Created By Aditya Shakya @adi1090x
;; _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_
bg = #141C21
fg = #D9DBDF
fg-alt = #141C21
alpha = #00000000
shade1 = #AFB42B
shade2 = #C0CA33
shade3 = #CDDC39
shade4 = #D4E157
shade5 = #DCE775
shade6 = #E6EE9C
;; _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_
;; __ ___ __ __
;; / |/ /___ ____/ /_ __/ /__ _____
;; / /|_/ / __ \/ __ / / / / / _ \/ ___/
;; / / / / /_/ / /_/ / /_/ / / __(__ )
;; /_/ /_/\____/\__,_/\__,_/_/\___/____/
;; Created By Aditya Shakya @adi1090x
;; _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_
type = internal/alsa
format-volume = <ramp-volume> <label-volume>
format-volume-background = ${color.shade4}
format-volume-foreground = ${color.fg-alt}
format-volume-padding = 2
label-volume = %percentage%%
format-muted-prefix = " "
format-muted-background = ${color.shade4}
format-muted-foreground = ${color.fg-alt}
format-muted-padding = 2
label-muted = "Muted"
ramp-volume-0 =
ramp-volume-1 =
ramp-volume-2 =
ramp-volume-3 =
ramp-volume-4 =
ramp-headphones-0 =
ramp-headphones-1 =
;; _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_
type = internal/battery
full-at = 99
battery = BAT1
adapter = ACAD
poll-interval = 2
time-format = %H:%M
format-charging = <animation-charging> <label-charging>
format-charging-background = ${color.shade3}
format-charging-foreground = ${color.fg-alt}
format-charging-padding = 2
format-discharging = <ramp-capacity> <label-discharging>
format-discharging-background = ${color.shade3}
format-discharging-foreground = ${color.fg-alt}
format-discharging-padding = 2
format-full = <label-full>
format-full-background = ${color.shade3}
format-full-foreground = ${color.fg-alt}
format-full-padding = 2
label-charging = %percentage%%
label-discharging = %percentage%%
label-full = 100% Charged
; Only applies if <ramp-capacity> is used
ramp-capacity-0 =
ramp-capacity-1 =
ramp-capacity-2 =
ramp-capacity-3 =
ramp-capacity-4 =
ramp-capacity-5 =
ramp-capacity-6 =
ramp-capacity-7 =
ramp-capacity-8 =
ramp-capacity-9 =
; Only applies if <animation-charging> is used
animation-charging-0 =
animation-charging-1 =
animation-charging-2 =
animation-charging-3 =
; Framerate in milliseconds
animation-charging-framerate = 750
;; _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_
type = internal/cpu
interval = 0.5
format = <label>
format-prefix =
format-background = ${color.shade5}
format-foreground = ${color.fg-alt}
format-padding = 2
label = " %percentage%%"
;; _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_
type = internal/date
interval = 1.0
time = %I:%M %p
time-alt =  %Y-%m-%d%
format = <label>
format-background = ${}
format-foreground = ${color.shade1}
format-padding = 2
label = %time%
;; _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_
type = internal/memory
interval = 3
format = <label>
format-prefix =
format-background = ${color.shade6}
format-foreground = ${color.fg-alt}
format-padding = 2
label = " %mb_used%"
;; _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_
type = internal/mpd
interval = 2
format-online = <label-song>
format-online-background = ${}
format-online-foreground = ${color.fg}
format-online-padding = 2
label-song = "%artist% - %title%"
label-song-maxlen = 30
label-song-ellipsis = true
label-offline = "MPD is offline"
type = internal/mpd
interval = 2
format-online = <icon-prev> <toggle> <icon-next>
format-online-background = ${color.shade5}
format-online-foreground = ${color.fg-alt}
format-online-padding = 2
label-offline = "MPD is offline"
; Only applies if <icon-X> is used
icon-play =
icon-pause =
icon-stop =
icon-prev =
icon-next =
;; _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_
type = internal/network
interface = wlan0
interval = 1.0
accumulate-stats = true
unknown-as-up = true
format-connected = <ramp-signal> <label-connected>
format-connected-background = ${color.shade2}
format-connected-foreground = ${color.fg-alt}
format-connected-padding = 2
format-disconnected = <label-disconnected>
format-disconnected-background = ${color.shade2}
format-disconnected-foreground = ${color.fg-alt}
format-disconnected-padding = 2
label-connected = %essid%
label-disconnected =  Disconnected
; Only applies if <ramp-signal> is used
ramp-signal-0 =
ramp-signal-1 =
ramp-signal-2 =
ramp-signal-3 =
ramp-signal-4 =
;; _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_
type = internal/xworkspaces
pin-workspaces = true
enable-click = true
enable-scroll = true
format = <label-state>
format-padding = 0
label-monitor = %name%
label-active = %name%
label-active-foreground = ${color.fg-alt}
label-active-background = ${color.shade6}
label-occupied = %icon%
label-occupied-underline = ${color.fg}
label-urgent = %icon%
label-urgent-foreground = ${}
label-urgent-background = ${}
label-empty = %name%
label-empty-background = ${}
label-empty-foreground = ${color.fg}
label-active-padding = 2
label-urgent-padding = 2
label-occupied-padding = 2
label-empty-padding = 2
;; _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_
type = custom/text
content = "| "
content-background = ${color.alpha}
content-foreground = ${color.alpha}
content-padding = 0
;; _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_
type = custom/text
content =
content-background = #FFFFFF
content-foreground = #CC6666
content-padding = 2
click-left = ~/.config/polybar/scripts/ &
;; _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_
;; __________ ______
;; / ____/ __ \/ ____/
;; / __/ / / / / /_
;; / /___/ /_/ / __/
;; /_____/\____/_/
;; _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

polybar/fonts/siji.bdf Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

polybar/ Executable file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
#!/usr/bin/env sh
## Add this to your wm startup file.
# Terminate already running bar instances
killall -q polybar
# Wait until the processes have been shut down
while pgrep -u $UID -x polybar >/dev/null; do sleep 1; done
# Launch bar1 and bar2
polybar main -c ~/.config/polybar/config.ini &

polybar/scripts/ Executable file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,261 @@
## Author : Aditya Shakya
## Github : adi1090x
LAUNCH="polybar-msg cmd restart"
if [[ $1 = "-amber" ]]; then
# Replacing colors
sed -i -e 's/shade1 = .*/shade1 = #FFA000/g' $PDIR/config.ini
sed -i -e 's/shade2 = .*/shade2 = #FFB300/g' $PDIR/config.ini
sed -i -e 's/shade3 = .*/shade3 = #FFC107/g' $PDIR/config.ini
sed -i -e 's/shade4 = .*/shade4 = #FFCA28/g' $PDIR/config.ini
sed -i -e 's/shade5 = .*/shade5 = #FFD54F/g' $PDIR/config.ini
sed -i -e 's/shade6 = .*/shade6 = #FFE082/g' $PDIR/config.ini
sed -i -e 's/bg = .*/bg = #141C21/g' $PDIR/config.ini
# Restarting polybar
elif [[ $1 = "-blue" ]]; then
# Replacing colors
sed -i -e 's/shade1 = .*/shade1 = #1976D2/g' $PDIR/config.ini
sed -i -e 's/shade2 = .*/shade2 = #1E88E5/g' $PDIR/config.ini
sed -i -e 's/shade3 = .*/shade3 = #2196F3/g' $PDIR/config.ini
sed -i -e 's/shade4 = .*/shade4 = #42A5F5/g' $PDIR/config.ini
sed -i -e 's/shade5 = .*/shade5 = #64B5F6/g' $PDIR/config.ini
sed -i -e 's/shade6 = .*/shade6 = #90CAF9/g' $PDIR/config.ini
sed -i -e 's/bg = .*/bg = #141C21/g' $PDIR/config.ini
# Restarting polybar
elif [[ $1 = "-blue-grey" ]]; then
# Replacing colors
sed -i -e 's/shade1 = .*/shade1 = #455A64/g' $PDIR/config.ini
sed -i -e 's/shade2 = .*/shade2 = #546E7A/g' $PDIR/config.ini
sed -i -e 's/shade3 = .*/shade3 = #607D8B/g' $PDIR/config.ini
sed -i -e 's/shade4 = .*/shade4 = #78909C/g' $PDIR/config.ini
sed -i -e 's/shade5 = .*/shade5 = #90A4AE/g' $PDIR/config.ini
sed -i -e 's/shade6 = .*/shade6 = #B0BEC5/g' $PDIR/config.ini
sed -i -e 's/accent = .*/accent = #546E7A/g' $PDIR/config.ini
sed -i -e 's/bg = .*/bg = #141C21/g' $PDIR/config.ini
# Restarting polybar
elif [[ $1 = "-brown" ]]; then
# Replacing colors
sed -i -e 's/shade1 = .*/shade1 = #5D4037/g' $PDIR/config.ini
sed -i -e 's/shade2 = .*/shade2 = #6D4C41/g' $PDIR/config.ini
sed -i -e 's/shade3 = .*/shade3 = #795548/g' $PDIR/config.ini
sed -i -e 's/shade4 = .*/shade4 = #8D6E63/g' $PDIR/config.ini
sed -i -e 's/shade5 = .*/shade5 = #A1887F/g' $PDIR/config.ini
sed -i -e 's/shade6 = .*/shade6 = #BCAAA4/g' $PDIR/config.ini
sed -i -e 's/accent = .*/accent = #6D4C41/g' $PDIR/config.ini
sed -i -e 's/bg = .*/bg = #141C21/g' $PDIR/config.ini
# Restarting polybar
elif [[ $1 = "-cyan" ]]; then
# Replacing colors
sed -i -e 's/shade1 = .*/shade1 = #0097A7/g' $PDIR/config.ini
sed -i -e 's/shade2 = .*/shade2 = #00ACC1/g' $PDIR/config.ini
sed -i -e 's/shade3 = .*/shade3 = #00BCD4/g' $PDIR/config.ini
sed -i -e 's/shade4 = .*/shade4 = #26C6DA/g' $PDIR/config.ini
sed -i -e 's/shade5 = .*/shade5 = #4DD0E1/g' $PDIR/config.ini
sed -i -e 's/shade6 = .*/shade6 = #80DEEA/g' $PDIR/config.ini
sed -i -e 's/accent = .*/accent = #00ACC1/g' $PDIR/config.ini
sed -i -e 's/bg = .*/bg = #141C21/g' $PDIR/config.ini
# Restarting polybar
elif [[ $1 = "-deep-orange" ]]; then
# Replacing colors
sed -i -e 's/shade1 = .*/shade1 = #E64A19/g' $PDIR/config.ini
sed -i -e 's/shade2 = .*/shade2 = #F4511E/g' $PDIR/config.ini
sed -i -e 's/shade3 = .*/shade3 = #FF5722/g' $PDIR/config.ini
sed -i -e 's/shade4 = .*/shade4 = #FF7043/g' $PDIR/config.ini
sed -i -e 's/shade5 = .*/shade5 = #FF8A65/g' $PDIR/config.ini
sed -i -e 's/shade6 = .*/shade6 = #FFAB91/g' $PDIR/config.ini
sed -i -e 's/accent = .*/accent = #F4511E/g' $PDIR/config.ini
sed -i -e 's/bg = .*/bg = #141C21/g' $PDIR/config.ini
# Restarting polybar
elif [[ $1 = "-deep-purple" ]]; then
# Replacing colors
sed -i -e 's/shade1 = .*/shade1 = #512DA8/g' $PDIR/config.ini
sed -i -e 's/shade2 = .*/shade2 = #5E35B1/g' $PDIR/config.ini
sed -i -e 's/shade3 = .*/shade3 = #673AB7/g' $PDIR/config.ini
sed -i -e 's/shade4 = .*/shade4 = #7E57C2/g' $PDIR/config.ini
sed -i -e 's/shade5 = .*/shade5 = #9575CD/g' $PDIR/config.ini
sed -i -e 's/shade6 = .*/shade6 = #B39DDB/g' $PDIR/config.ini
sed -i -e 's/accent = .*/accent = #5E35B1/g' $PDIR/config.ini
sed -i -e 's/bg = .*/bg = #141C21/g' $PDIR/config.ini
# Restarting polybar
elif [[ $1 = "-green" ]]; then
# Replacing colors
sed -i -e 's/shade1 = .*/shade1 = #388E3C/g' $PDIR/config.ini
sed -i -e 's/shade2 = .*/shade2 = #43A047/g' $PDIR/config.ini
sed -i -e 's/shade3 = .*/shade3 = #4CAF50/g' $PDIR/config.ini
sed -i -e 's/shade4 = .*/shade4 = #66BB6A/g' $PDIR/config.ini
sed -i -e 's/shade5 = .*/shade5 = #81C784/g' $PDIR/config.ini
sed -i -e 's/shade6 = .*/shade6 = #A5D6A7/g' $PDIR/config.ini
sed -i -e 's/accent = .*/accent = #43A047/g' $PDIR/config.ini
sed -i -e 's/bg = .*/bg = #141C21/g' $PDIR/config.ini
# Restarting polybar
elif [[ $1 = "-grey" ]]; then
# Replacing colors
sed -i -e 's/shade1 = .*/shade1 = #616161/g' $PDIR/config.ini
sed -i -e 's/shade2 = .*/shade2 = #757575/g' $PDIR/config.ini
sed -i -e 's/shade3 = .*/shade3 = #9E9E9E/g' $PDIR/config.ini
sed -i -e 's/shade4 = .*/shade4 = #BDBDBD/g' $PDIR/config.ini
sed -i -e 's/shade5 = .*/shade5 = #D4D4D4/g' $PDIR/config.ini
sed -i -e 's/shade6 = .*/shade6 = #EEEEEE/g' $PDIR/config.ini
sed -i -e 's/accent = .*/accent = #757575/g' $PDIR/config.ini
sed -i -e 's/bg = .*/bg = #141C21/g' $PDIR/config.ini
# Restarting polybar
elif [[ $1 = "-indigo" ]]; then
# Replacing colors
sed -i -e 's/shade1 = .*/shade1 = #303F9F/g' $PDIR/config.ini
sed -i -e 's/shade2 = .*/shade2 = #3949AB/g' $PDIR/config.ini
sed -i -e 's/shade3 = .*/shade3 = #3F51B5/g' $PDIR/config.ini
sed -i -e 's/shade4 = .*/shade4 = #5C6BC0/g' $PDIR/config.ini
sed -i -e 's/shade5 = .*/shade5 = #7986CB/g' $PDIR/config.ini
sed -i -e 's/shade6 = .*/shade6 = #9FA8DA/g' $PDIR/config.ini
sed -i -e 's/accent = .*/accent = #3949AB/g' $PDIR/config.ini
sed -i -e 's/bg = .*/bg = #141C21/g' $PDIR/config.ini
# Restarting polybar
elif [[ $1 = "-light-blue" ]]; then
# Replacing colors
sed -i -e 's/shade1 = .*/shade1 = #0288D1/g' $PDIR/config.ini
sed -i -e 's/shade2 = .*/shade2 = #039BE5/g' $PDIR/config.ini
sed -i -e 's/shade3 = .*/shade3 = #03A9F4/g' $PDIR/config.ini
sed -i -e 's/shade4 = .*/shade4 = #29B6F6/g' $PDIR/config.ini
sed -i -e 's/shade5 = .*/shade5 = #4FC3F7/g' $PDIR/config.ini
sed -i -e 's/shade6 = .*/shade6 = #81D4FA/g' $PDIR/config.ini
sed -i -e 's/accent = .*/accent = #039BE5/g' $PDIR/config.ini
sed -i -e 's/bg = .*/bg = #141C21/g' $PDIR/config.ini
# Restarting polybar
elif [[ $1 = "-light-green" ]]; then
# Replacing colors
sed -i -e 's/shade1 = .*/shade1 = #689F38/g' $PDIR/config.ini
sed -i -e 's/shade2 = .*/shade2 = #7CB342/g' $PDIR/config.ini
sed -i -e 's/shade3 = .*/shade3 = #8BC34A/g' $PDIR/config.ini
sed -i -e 's/shade4 = .*/shade4 = #9CCC65/g' $PDIR/config.ini
sed -i -e 's/shade5 = .*/shade5 = #AED581/g' $PDIR/config.ini
sed -i -e 's/shade6 = .*/shade6 = #C5E1A5/g' $PDIR/config.ini
sed -i -e 's/accent = .*/accent = #7CB342/g' $PDIR/config.ini
sed -i -e 's/bg = .*/bg = #141C21/g' $PDIR/config.ini
# Restarting polybar
elif [[ $1 = "-lime" ]]; then
# Replacing colors
sed -i -e 's/shade1 = .*/shade1 = #AFB42B/g' $PDIR/config.ini
sed -i -e 's/shade2 = .*/shade2 = #C0CA33/g' $PDIR/config.ini
sed -i -e 's/shade3 = .*/shade3 = #CDDC39/g' $PDIR/config.ini
sed -i -e 's/shade4 = .*/shade4 = #D4E157/g' $PDIR/config.ini
sed -i -e 's/shade5 = .*/shade5 = #DCE775/g' $PDIR/config.ini
sed -i -e 's/shade6 = .*/shade6 = #E6EE9C/g' $PDIR/config.ini
sed -i -e 's/accent = .*/accent = #C0CA33/g' $PDIR/config.ini
sed -i -e 's/bg = .*/bg = #141C21/g' $PDIR/config.ini
# Restarting polybar
elif [[ $1 = "-orange" ]]; then
# Replacing colors
sed -i -e 's/shade1 = .*/shade1 = #F57C00/g' $PDIR/config.ini
sed -i -e 's/shade2 = .*/shade2 = #FB8C00/g' $PDIR/config.ini
sed -i -e 's/shade3 = .*/shade3 = #FF9800/g' $PDIR/config.ini
sed -i -e 's/shade4 = .*/shade4 = #FFA726/g' $PDIR/config.ini
sed -i -e 's/shade5 = .*/shade5 = #FFB74D/g' $PDIR/config.ini
sed -i -e 's/shade6 = .*/shade6 = #FFCC80/g' $PDIR/config.ini
sed -i -e 's/accent = .*/accent = #FB8C00/g' $PDIR/config.ini
sed -i -e 's/bg = .*/bg = #141C21/g' $PDIR/config.ini
# Restarting polybar
elif [[ $1 = "-pink" ]]; then
# Replacing colors
sed -i -e 's/shade1 = .*/shade1 = #C2185B/g' $PDIR/config.ini
sed -i -e 's/shade2 = .*/shade2 = #D81B60/g' $PDIR/config.ini
sed -i -e 's/shade3 = .*/shade3 = #E91E63/g' $PDIR/config.ini
sed -i -e 's/shade4 = .*/shade4 = #EC407A/g' $PDIR/config.ini
sed -i -e 's/shade5 = .*/shade5 = #F06292/g' $PDIR/config.ini
sed -i -e 's/shade6 = .*/shade6 = #F48FB1/g' $PDIR/config.ini
sed -i -e 's/accent = .*/accent = #D81B60/g' $PDIR/config.ini
sed -i -e 's/bg = .*/bg = #141C21/g' $PDIR/config.ini
# Restarting polybar
elif [[ $1 = "-purple" ]]; then
# Replacing colors
sed -i -e 's/shade1 = .*/shade1 = #7B1FA2/g' $PDIR/config.ini
sed -i -e 's/shade2 = .*/shade2 = #8E24AA/g' $PDIR/config.ini
sed -i -e 's/shade3 = .*/shade3 = #9C27B0/g' $PDIR/config.ini
sed -i -e 's/shade4 = .*/shade4 = #AB47BC/g' $PDIR/config.ini
sed -i -e 's/shade5 = .*/shade5 = #BA68C8/g' $PDIR/config.ini
sed -i -e 's/shade6 = .*/shade6 = #CE93D8/g' $PDIR/config.ini
sed -i -e 's/accent = .*/accent = #8E24AA/g' $PDIR/config.ini
sed -i -e 's/bg = .*/bg = #141C21/g' $PDIR/config.ini
# Restarting polybar
elif [[ $1 = "-red" ]]; then
# Replacing colors
sed -i -e 's/shade1 = .*/shade1 = #D32F2F/g' $PDIR/config.ini
sed -i -e 's/shade2 = .*/shade2 = #E53935/g' $PDIR/config.ini
sed -i -e 's/shade3 = .*/shade3 = #EE413D/g' $PDIR/config.ini
sed -i -e 's/shade4 = .*/shade4 = #EF5350/g' $PDIR/config.ini
sed -i -e 's/shade5 = .*/shade5 = #E57373/g' $PDIR/config.ini
sed -i -e 's/shade6 = .*/shade6 = #EF9A9A/g' $PDIR/config.ini
sed -i -e 's/accent = .*/accent = #E53935/g' $PDIR/config.ini
sed -i -e 's/bg = .*/bg = #141C21/g' $PDIR/config.ini
# Restarting polybar
elif [[ $1 = "-teal" ]]; then
# Replacing colors
sed -i -e 's/shade1 = .*/shade1 = #00796B/g' $PDIR/config.ini
sed -i -e 's/shade2 = .*/shade2 = #00897B/g' $PDIR/config.ini
sed -i -e 's/shade3 = .*/shade3 = #009688/g' $PDIR/config.ini
sed -i -e 's/shade4 = .*/shade4 = #26A69A/g' $PDIR/config.ini
sed -i -e 's/shade5 = .*/shade5 = #4DB6AC/g' $PDIR/config.ini
sed -i -e 's/shade6 = .*/shade6 = #80CBC4/g' $PDIR/config.ini
sed -i -e 's/accent = .*/accent = #00897B/g' $PDIR/config.ini
sed -i -e 's/bg = .*/bg = #141C21/g' $PDIR/config.ini
# Restarting polybar
elif [[ $1 = "-yellow" ]]; then
# Replacing colors
sed -i -e 's/shade1 = .*/shade1 = #FBC02D/g' $PDIR/config.ini
sed -i -e 's/shade2 = .*/shade2 = #FDD835/g' $PDIR/config.ini
sed -i -e 's/shade3 = .*/shade3 = #FFEB3B/g' $PDIR/config.ini
sed -i -e 's/shade4 = .*/shade4 = #FFEE58/g' $PDIR/config.ini
sed -i -e 's/shade5 = .*/shade5 = #FFF176/g' $PDIR/config.ini
sed -i -e 's/shade6 = .*/shade6 = #FFF59D/g' $PDIR/config.ini
sed -i -e 's/accent = .*/accent = #FDD835/g' $PDIR/config.ini
sed -i -e 's/bg = .*/bg = #141C21/g' $PDIR/config.ini
# Restarting polybar
echo "Available options:
-amber -blue -blue-grey -brown
-cyan -deep-orange -deep-purple -green
-grey -indigo -light-blue -light-green
-lime -orange -pink -purple
-red -teal -yellow"

polybar/scripts/ Executable file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
## Author : Aditya Shakya
## Github : adi1090x
# Custom Rofi Script
# Launch Rofi
MENU="$(rofi -no-lazy-grab -sep "|" -dmenu -i -p 'Style :' \
-hide-scrollbar true \
-bw 0 \
-lines 5 \
-line-padding 5 \
-padding 15 \
-width 15 \
-xoffset -8 -yoffset -46 \
-location 5 \
-columns 1 \
-show-icons -icon-theme "Papirus" \
-font "Terminus (TTF) 9" \
-color-enabled true \
<<< "♥ amber|♥ blue|♥ blue-grey|♥ brown|♥ cyan|♥ deep-orange|♥ deep-purple|♥ green|♥ grey|♥ indigo|♥ blue-light|♥ green-light|♥ lime|♥ orange|♥ pink|♥ purple|♥ red|♥ teal|♥ yellow")"
case "$MENU" in
## Colors
*amber) $SDIR/ -amber ;;
*blue) $SDIR/ -blue ;;
*blue-grey) $SDIR/ -blue-grey ;;
*brown) $SDIR/ -brown ;;
*cyan) $SDIR/ -cyan ;;
*deep-orange) $SDIR/ -deep-orange ;;
*deep-purple) $SDIR/ -deep-purple ;;
*green) $SDIR/ -green ;;
*grey) $SDIR/ -grey ;;
*indigo) $SDIR/ -indigo ;;
*blue-light) $SDIR/ -light-blue ;;
*green-light) $SDIR/ -light-green ;;
*lime) $SDIR/ -lime ;;
*orange) $SDIR/ -orange ;;
*pink) $SDIR/ -pink ;;
*purple) $SDIR/ -purple ;;
*red) $SDIR/ -red ;;
*teal) $SDIR/ -teal ;;
*yellow) $SDIR/ -yellow