2020-05-16 23:07:21 +03:00

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Shows file systems informations.

If a partition is given in input, a notification will be displayed when it is almost full.

local mypartition = lain.widget.fs()

Input table

Variable Meaning Type Default
timeout Refresh timeout (in seconds) integer 600
partition (Optional) Partition to watch: a notification will be displayed when full string nil
threshold Percentage threshold at which the notification is triggered integer 99
notification_preset Notification preset table See default notification_preset
followtag Display the notification on currently focused screen boolean false
showpopup Display popups with mouse hovering string, possible values: "on", "off" "on"
settings User settings function empty function

settings can use the table fs_now, which contains a string entry for each file system path available. For instance, root infos are located in the variable fs_now["/"]. Every entry in this table have the following variables:

Variable Meaning Type
units (multiple of) units used string ("Kb", "Mb", "Gb", and so on)
percentage the used percentage integer
size size in units of the given fs float
used amount of space used in the given fs, expressed in units float
free amount of free space in the given fs, expressed in units float

Usage example:

-- shows used (percentage) and remaining space in home partition
local fsroothome = lain.widget.fs({
    settings  = function()
        widget:set_text("/home: " ..  fs_now["/home"].percentage .. "% (" ..
        fs_now["/home"].free .. " " .. fs_now["/home"].units .. " left)")
-- output example: "/home: 37% (239.4 Gb left)"

With multiple screens, the default behaviour is to show a visual notification pop-up window on the first screen. By setting followtag to true it will be shown on the currently focused tag screen.

Default notification_preset

notification_preset = {
    font = "Monospace 10",
    fg   = "#FFFFFF",
    bg   = "#000000"

Output table

Variable Meaning Type
widget The widget wibox.widget.textbox
show The notification function

You can display the notification with a key binding like this:

awful.key({ altkey }, "h", function (), scr) end),

where altkey = "Mod1" and show arguments, both optionals, are:

  • seconds, notification time in seconds
  • scr, screen which to display the notification in


Naughty notifications require notification_preset.font to be monospaced, in order to correctly display the output.