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My dotfiles~

My dotfiles are a hot mess right now (but more and more manageable with every commit)

I made this repo mostly to keep my dotfiles in sync across computers, so yeah... You can try to grab and use them in their entirety but some things are particular to my computers (display configurations) so it won't work for you.

What I use right now (stuff I have to install on a fresh linux install):

  • dwm -- my build is right here
  • slstatus
  • sxhkd
  • dunst
  • st -- my build is right here
  • pcmanfmqt and ranger
  • rofi, sometimes dmenu
  • neovim
  • DOOM emacs
  • xreader
  • viewnior
  • copyq
  • flameshot
  • nitrogen
  • picom
  • xfce4-power-manager (if using a laptop)
  • nm-applet (again, if using a laptop with wifi)
  • lxqt-policykit
  • pavucontrol
  • Librewolf and ungoogled-chromium
  • MPD and ncmpcpp (includes mpd-mpris and mpdscribble)
  • lxapperance
  • Hack and SFMono fonts, maybe some others idk, I have to sort this out lmao
  • DASH set as /bin/sh (Arch Linux) (! Some scripts won't run corectly if they are run by bash)

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